Yuzhe Y.
Developer / Artist / Designer / Writer
About Me
Hello, my name is Yuzhe and I am a Mathematics / Computer Science graduate thesis student. I was an undergraduate research member of the Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR) and I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Mathematics + Computer Science. My primary research interest is InfoVis for AI Explainability with a focus on adversarial machine learning & traffic analysis. My other academic interests include Software Development, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Creative AI & more.
During my spare time, I enjoy working on my personal projects. I am also a digital artist & graphic design hobbyist.
I ♥
Information Visualization, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development, Data Analytics, Creative AI, Machine Learning, Drawing, Graphic Design, Music Composing, Writing, UI/UX Design
Featured Works
↣ FGSM Explainer ↢
An Interactive Visualization for Understanding Adversarial Attack
↣ SOCR - Big Data ↢
Design and disseminate advanced methods/tools in probability, statistics, and machine learning; develop enhanced analysis and visualizations on "Big Data"